[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Arabian Peninsula and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Arabian Peninsula Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to ap@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every week.] 

Regional and International Relations 

From Egypt to Saudi Arabia, the Arab World Has Abandoned the Palestinians Mehdi Hasan provides a critique of the Arab regimes for failing to support Palestinians in Gaza.

Why are the Arab Gulf countries silent on Gaza? Habiba Hamid argues that the Gulf states need to stop undermining each other and use their influence to garner support for Gaza.

Qatar naturalisation of Bahrainis criticised Bahraini authorities claim that Qatar’s decision to naturalize Bahraini families affects its security and national interests.

King Abdullah, Al Sissi discuss Iraq turmoil A news report on the Egyptian president’s visit to Saudi Arabia.

Qatar Emir receives Saudi minister Prince Mutaib bin Abdullah Al Saud, a son of the Saudi king and national guard minister, visits Qatar to discuss bilateral relations.

Saudi Arabia jails four for seeking to fight in Syria The Saudi Specialized Criminal Court sentences four men to jail for fighting in Syria.

Kuwait to deport five Syrians over rally Kuwait deports five Syrian nationals who raised slogans in support of the Free Syrian Army in a wedding procession.

Lebanon ceasefire falters; Saudi offers $1 billion to army The Saudi king provides financial aid to the Lebanese army, which is battling militants in Arsal.

UAE orders Dh5m in aid for Syrian refugees, Lebanese affected by violence Shaykh Hamdan bin Zayed al-Nahyan orders emergency aid for Syrian refugees and Lebanese nationals affected by developments in Arsal.

Reports and Opinions

Painting the War: Emirati artist captures pain of Gaza children Sara Elkamel examines Fatma Lootah’s recent works, which focus on the pain of Gazan children. 

Kuwait steps up curbs on Islamic charities: report Kuwaiti authorities demand that Muslim charities identify the source and final destination of their funds.

Kuwait vows to fight terror after US sanctions Kuwait announces that it is committed to fighting terrorism after the United States sanctioned three Kuwaiti nationals, accused of providing money and money to extremist groups.

Study to address gender imbalance in Qatar Habib Toumi writes on gender imbalances in Qatar, where women outnumber men in education but are under-represented in the national workforce.

Saudi beheaded for torturing his toddler to death A Saudi man accused of beating his two-year-old son to death was beheaded last week, raising the number of beheadings in the kingdom this year to eighteen.

Saudi Arabia: Man beheaded for murder of maids Saudi Arabia beheads a man who assaulted and murdered two Asian housemaids.

Saudi Arabia beheads man for killing wife with axe The Saudi authorities behead a man convicted of killing his wife with an axe, bringing the number of beheadings this year to twenty-three.

UAE`s Emirates Airline suspends flights to Iraq`s Arbil Dubai’s Emirates decides to suspend its flights to the Iraqi Kurdish capital citing growing security concerns.

New visa fee structure to take effect from August 1 Samir Salama examines the new visa fees and fines to be implemented in the Gulf state beginning this month.

Repression in Bahrain

Leaked Files: German Spy Company Helped Bahrain Hack Arab Spring Protesters Cora Currier and Morgan Marquis-Boire examine leaked documents on how FinFisher, a German surveillance company, helped the Bahraini regime spy on its people. 

Bahrain bans three clerics from preaching; opposition condemns move The Bahraini opposition considers the authorities’ decision to prevent three religious scholars from preaching as a part of a crackdown on dissent.

Bahrain strips 9 men of nationality Bahrain’s High Criminal Court, under a new anti-terror law, decides to strip nine nationals of their citizenship.

Commitment to strengthening democracy stressed The Bahraini king asserts that his country will continue its efforts to democratize.

Crisis in Yemen

Suspected al-Qaeda militants ‘kill 14 Yemeni soldiers’ Al-Qaeda militants abduct and execute fourteen Yemeni soldiers near Say`un in Hadramawt.

Yemeni troops kill seven suspected al Qaeda militants The Yemeni security forces kill seven al-Qaeda suspects during a failed attack on a military facility in Wadi Hadramawt.

Last straw in Yemen? Nasser Arrabyee examines the significance of the outbreak of popular protests in Yemen following the authorities’ decision to end fuel subsidies.

Al-Qaeda in Yemen: Still there An Economist article on the failure of the Yemeni authorities to contain the power of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

Migrant Workers

Security deposits push up cost of hiring maids in UAE Households hiring domestic maids are to pay security deposits, in addition to salaries and Emirati immigration deposits, required by the labor-sending countries.

Expat women overcoming professional challenges Hafsa Adil examines the difficulties expatriate women face when they attempt to pursue careers in Qatar.

Human Rights

Update: Kuwait & Oman: Human rights defenders Abdulhakim Al-Fadhli and Noah Al-Saadi released The Gulf Center for Human Rights welcomes the release of human rights activists in Oman and Kuwait.

Kuwait: 5 Critics Stripped of Citizenship Human Rights Watch calls on the Kuwaiti authorities to end the recent practice of stripping nationals of their citizenship.

UAE: Weak Protection Against Domestic Violence Human Rights Watch condemns the Emirati authorities for failing to respond to reports of domestic violence.

Journalist Ahmed Radhi: Detained For 15 Hours In Dubai Airport, Told He Poses A Threat To UAE The Bahrain Center for Human Rights expresses its concern over the detention of the Bahraini human rights activist upon his arrival in the United Arab Emirates.

Social Issues

Flirtatious women cause of rising harassment cases: Survey The King Abdulaziz Center for National Dialogue conducts a survey on harassment cases and concludes that women exposed themselves to harassment.

Saudi men can’t marry women from Pakistan, Bangladesh... A new Saudi decree bans Saudi men from marrying women from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Chad.

Saudi men need wives` consent to marry Moroccan woman New Saudi regulations require Saudi men intending to take Moroccan women as second wives to obtain the approval of their wives.


Saudi being tested for Ebola dies in Jeddah A Saudi national suspected of contracting Ebola during a trip to Sierra Leone dies.

No Ebola in UAE: health ministry The Emirati health ministry asserts that there are no cases of Ebola in the Gulf state.


اليمن | رفع الدعم عن الوقود يتهدد حكومة الوفاق الوطني
Ali Awaida and Yassir al-Yafi’i examine the Yemeni government’s decision to end fuel subsidies and its implications for the political scene in Yemen.

اليمن: مقتل 10 جنود في اشتباكات ارتفاع الأسعار يثير سخطاً شعبياً
Ten soldiers died in Yemen during popular protests against the rise in fuel prices.

اليمن: تعارض الأجندات السياسية بين جماعة الحوثي وحلفائها يفشل مظاهرة لإسقاط الحكومة
A news report on the failure of an anti-government protest, organized by the Houthis and their allies, due to political disagreements among them.

اليمن: مقتل 10 جنود في هجمات لـالقاعدة
Ten Yemeni soldiers die in attacks by al-Qaeda fighters in Shabwa and al-Bayda.

الجيش اليمني يقتل 7 من القاعدة
The Yemeni army kills seven al-Qaeda fighters during an attack on a military headquarters in Hadramawt.

ايران تزيد نفوذها في اليمن في العديد من المناطق الحدودية
Khalid al-Hamadi analyzes Iran’s increasing influence in many border areas in Yemen.

اليمن | زمن «القتل على الهوية» ينطلق من حضرموت: «القاعدة» يذبح 14 جندياً
Jamal Jubran and Yassir al-Yafi’i argue that the beheading of fourteen Yemeni soldiers by al-Qaeda fighters in Hadramawt, on the basis of their sects, is an alarming development.

البحرين: سحب الجنسية من تسعة معارضين
The Bahraini regime strips nine opposition figures of their citizenship.

البحرين: قطر تغوي مواطنينا عبر تجنيسهم
Bahrain accuses Qatar of “tempting” Bahraini citizens of acquiring the Qatari citizenship. 

البحرين: منع رجال دين من إلقاء خطبة الجمعة
The Bahraini opposition considers the Bahraini authorities’ decision to prevent three religious scholars from preaching as a part of a crackdown on dissent.

ذكرى الغزو العراقي تمر رسميا مرور الكرام في الكويت
Mona al-Shimari writes on how the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait did not receive much official attention in Kuwait this year.

الكويت: تصميم على مكافحة الإرهاب
The Kuwait authorities announces that they are determined to fight terrorism.

عقوبات أميركية على ثلاث شخصيات كويتية لدعمها الإرهاب
The United States announces that it has sanctioned three Kuwaiti nationals, accused of providing money and money to extremist groups.

الكويت: تهديد بـ«سحب جنسيات» رموز المعارضة
The Kuwaiti authorities reiterate their threats to denaturalize opposition figures.

نجل العاهل السعودي يزور قطر في مهمة خاصة
Prince Mutaib bin Abdullah Al Saud, a son of the Saudi king and national guard minister, visits Qatar to discuss bilateral relations.

الرياض تتفرغ لمنع تسلل داعش
A news report on Riyadh’s fear of the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria and its intention not to allow the organization to infiltrate the kingdom.

سفير السعودية في مصر: المملكة دعمت غزة بـ80 مليون دولار
The Saudi ambassador to Egypt announces that Saudi Arabia donated eighty million dollars to Gaza.

أكثر من 80 عالماً سعودياً يطالبون بفتح معبر رفح وكسر الحصار
Eighty Saudi scholars demand the opening of Rafah crossing and the lifting of the siege on Gaza.

مليار دولار من الملك السعودي للجيش اللبناني وسباق فرنسي أمريكي على تسليحه
The Saudi king provides one billion dollars in financial aid to the Lebanese army.

السيسي إلى الرياض وموسكو غداً
Iman Ibrahim and Ahmed Jamal al-Din report on the Egyptian president’s visit to Riyadh this week.

أمير قطر يبحث مع تمام سلام تطورات الوضع في عرسال
The Qatari emir calls the Lebanese prime minister to discuss the situation in Arsal following Islamic militants’ attack on the Lebanese army.

العاهل السعودي يبحث مع رئيس وزراء لبنان العلاقات الثنائية والأوضاع الدولية
The Saudi king discusses the current developments in Lebanon with the Lebanese prime minister.